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Good Luck Amy!

Amy at work, as captured by Steven Dickson

We are so proud of Amy Grieve for getting to the final three of the Godolphin Stable Staff awards, which take place in York on Monday night. We put Emma Dunkley in for it last year and she finished in the top ten - which we thought was a travesty because she should have won it!

We’re delighted for Amy getting into the last trio, I nominated her for the Newcomer Award because she came to us last year from the racing school at just 16 years of age. What I put in the application was how brilliantly she gets on with the job and how much she’s learned since arriving here.

It’s a small team we have and there’s never a bother with her, she gets on with the job and has a really can-do attitude. On top of that her riding has improved massively and these days we are happy to put her on anything, because she’s very skilful and brave as a lion. She actually had a few falls last year but it didn’t bother her, she’s back up again ready to go.

She’s schooling away now over hurdles and if she wanted to, I’d like to get her ready for riding in point-to-points. She’s off to the gym most nights with Dylan Johnston so she’s already taking her fitness seriously and showing her usual level of dedication.

Amy is a proper grafter who always has a smile on her face and I think that infectious attitude would have come through in the interview they do when nominees get to the top ten. They must have realised how good she was to put her in the final three.

Amy left for York with her mum and dad today, she will be interviewed on Monday morning before the panel make their decision ahead of the awards ceremony at night.

I feel very guilty that I've taken the children skiing for half-term so can't be there, but Neil Leach and his wife Debbie are going to support her along with her family. Hopefully they all have a great night and she wins the big prize! It’s a great initiative and if she’s successful it will be brilliant not only for her but for everyone on the yard.

Good luck Amy - we're all rooting for you!

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